Monday, August 03, 2009

Cowes Week

Cowes week is here again. Amongst the changeable winds and weather of this year’s British Summer, this traditional week is going through one of those times of change as it flexes to meet the challenges of no title sponsor. This is definitely an opportunity to do a shake-out and gain efficiencies in areas previously thought untouchable.

Last year I was a guest of the Cowes Week organisation by dint of the RYA to look at the Race Officer functions, and I was impressed. The sheer size of the operation is incredible. In the past I worked as part of the back-room operations for the America’s Cup Jubilee, and was amazed then at the willingness of the administrators, especially Stuart Quarrie to embrace new technology. Nowadays with the use of mobile phone and SMS, the whole thing just flows - truly wicked.

For those stuck at work, home, elsewhere but Cowes - listen into Cowes Week Radio to stay up with the action.

(For the correct links visit the blog on my website

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