Thursday, May 14, 2009

Buddies and Co-Coaching

I’ve just read the latest ‘Outside the lines’ newsletter which is on finding Buddies to be with and this has struck a chord with me, as I am enjoying working with seven other people in exactly this way. We have a company called ‘Resolve’, which provides relationship coaching, counselling and mediation to those with relationship problems and issues across the UK. Its all very exciting. Normally as a coach I work on my own, and now, with the values that we share, it is so much easier to work with others too.

Working with people to sort out their relationships has been a constant thread through my coaching career. In sailing and sport, its building teams and dealing with issues so that the performance of the team is not compromised. In life coaching, I often work with clients helping them to deal with their life partner relationships. The similarities and differences between sport and life help provide me with the insights needed to cut through to the basic issues in ways my clients then build on.

When dealing with two people, life or sport, its always been tricky to give each partner equal attention. So often, one person’s issues are more immediate, and resolving these will help move situations forward, which tends to be the expedient solution. However, finding time to listen to the concerns of the other partner is imperative to get a balanced resolution. Within Resolve we are promoting Co-Coaching as an optional service, where there are two coaches to two people, and boy, does this work well! A balanced outcome is so much more reliable at the end of a session, with the needs of both parties attended to by using of the complementary skills of the two coaches.

Its a real pleasure to be working with my Buddies.

For the active links to website mentioned in this articles, sign up to my blog on my website

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