Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Clean Language Teleclass

Blog 8May06

I’ve just done the Clean Language tele-class with Wendy Sullivan. Fascinating experience. I really enjoyed it. We got to practice a number of clean language questions on each other, which was fun. But just as good were the experiences of being questioned and observing the way it worked for others. It gave me the chance to develop a note-taking structure that I will go on to use when recording key words and phrases in conversations during life- and executive-coaching sessions.

It became very clear that it helps to use Clean Language in a way that addresses the outcomes that the person (client) is working towards, rather than the problems. Otherwise you and the client lead each other into less productive arenas. But the wonder of it all is how powerful peoples’ metaphors are – what a constant surprise to work with! That really appeals to me.

There’s a conference with David Groves in the UK later in the year – I wasn’t going to go but I may now.

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