Thursday, August 24, 2006

NLP by the Sea

In order to transfer my coaching skills from the world of sport to Life Coaching, I chose to empower myself by learning about NLP. I chose a great course - practical, hands-on and ethical – with Pegasus NLP , and what I have learnt fits me like a glove.

Last weekend, one of the Pegasus ‘graduates’ hosted a conference in Bournemouth. It lived up to its aim of being exploratory and fun. I finally started to get to grips with some of the language patterns which had eluded me before (Milton for those who know) and I learnt a lot about cooking with my senses ( I now know I never smelt ingredients before unless I suspected they were off, and only tasted food in the final stages before adding salt & pepper). Neil Connolly and Ben Reeve from enabled me to discover all of this. I also met Wendy Sullivan face to face and what a professional lady! She led me through a ‘clean language – discover your metaphorical landscape session’ and was exceptionally clever in her questioning.

Of course the other great part was meeting with old friends and new acquaintances. The atmosphere at this event was so friendly it was like meeting people having shed that first defensive skin that we human beings tend to put up to the world. A lovely weekend!

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