Saturday, June 23, 2007

Magnificent Clouds!

Its been a couple of days of thunderstorms. While the bangs and flashes can be startling from the safety of home, they bring to mind all sorts of stories of lightening strikes while out sailing. Luckily I’ve not been hit (yet!).

The upside is the fantastic clouds that are around right now. Magnificent and vigorous growths of upward swelling energy. Fantastic and improbable light and dark contrasts. Last night the clouds were further tinged by sunset. I love seeing them – all the more since I have a better than layman’s knowledge about what is going on inside them. Great stuff!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Too busy to live life

There are times when you can be too busy to live your life. I’ve just been through one of these helping to prepare an MOD bid for Berkshire Consultancy . It was a big one, and surviving it was sooooooo… like a sailing campaign. 7 day a week working for weeks on end, doing what can be done to stay healthy (eating, sleeping), reviewing as I went along to work not just hard but smart.

My years of running sailing teams came in very handy, especially in motivating us all when it looked like too big a task to finish. I am also grateful for the skills learnt in mindmapping and NLP, without which I would have been considerably more disorganised and more emotionally vulnerable to stress as fast approaching deadline took its toll.

I enjoyed meeting the other people involved in the bid, and I wish them well as they move back into their normal lives. Now its back to my own life.